Bob Healey for Congressman: Kim Silently Supports the Woke War on Kids, Parents & Teachers | N/A

Bob Healey for Congressman: Kim Silently Supports the Woke War on Kids, Parents & Teachers

New Jersey


MOORESTOWN, NJ Burlington County business owner and congressional challenger Bob Healey today issued the following statement:

“Leave it to a former Rhodes Scholar to get education wrong, but that’s what New Jerseyans have in our representative Andy Kim.

As parents, teachers and students all try to overcome the learning gap left by COVID’s school shutdowns, Congressman Kim made the argument last year that the state had to ‘get more involved’ as it applies to ‘…curriculum or teachers of color, and diversity there with the workforce.’1

Andy Kim seems to think we don’t ask educators to do enough teaching educational basics.  According to the woke agenda Andy subscribes to, teachers now also need to solve the woke concern about systematic racism.

When we need Andy Kim to fight for us—as in pushing back against a state mandate that insists on teaching sex ed to second graders, our congressman is conspicuously absent.

Andy is a parent himself.  Does he really approve of state bureaucrats demanding local school boards adopt a curriculum that says:

“By the end of the second grade, students should understand the ways people express their gender and how gender-role stereotypes may limit behavior; Fifth graders learn about romantic and sexual feelings, masturbation, mood swings, and the timing of puberty; And eighth graders should know the definitions of vaginal, oral, and anal sex and identify short and long-term contraception and safer sex methods.”2

When the school year commenced, I put out a video explaining that, ‘Andy Kim has an extreme back to school agenda, pushing radical sex ed curriculum, boys playing against girls in sports, and parents ignored and replaced.’3

That was over a month ago and despite all the controversy raised over the new state mandated curriculum, our representative still has no opinion.

From the rewriting of history to the preoccupation with pronouns to defunding the police, Andy Kim is the poster boy for these crazy woke ideas.

Congressman Kim has shown himself to be clearly out of step with the values and beliefs of the majority of third District voters.”

Original source can be found here.


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