Bob Healey for Congressman: Andy Kim’s Votes to Raise Taxes Hurt Nj Businesses | N/A

Bob Healey for Congressman: Andy Kim’s Votes to Raise Taxes Hurt Nj Businesses

New Jersey


MOORESTOWN, NJ — Burlington County business owner and congressional challenger Bob Healey today issued the following statement:

“Congressman Kim sits on the House Small Business Committee, but his recent votes to add hundreds of billions in taxes to businesses shows Andy is no advocate of small business,” Healey observed.

The US Small Business Administration estimates that 930,000 small businesses make up 99% of all Jersey businesses and that 1.9 million small business employees make up 49.5% of the Garden State’s workforce.

The incumbent simply doesn’t understand the needs of business men and women because Andy Kim’s only work experience has been in public sector jobs where resources, thanks to taxpayers, seem unlimited.  Andy’s federal one-size-fits-all  ‘tunnel vision’ limits his ability to support policies that truly support the business community.

Most self-employed individuals own incorporated businesses that have pass-through income, which means Andy’s votes for higher taxes hurts these job producers and their enterprises.

I have experience running a family business and I understand the challenges small business owners face. In contrast to Andy’s world view, I recognize how rampant inflation and high taxes hurt private enterprise.  

I am proud to come from the ranks of those committed to expanding free enterprise and the private sector.  My business background is in extreme contrast to the incumbent whose only experience has been in government.

It’s this difference in practical experience—mine in the private sector and Andy’s in Washington— that convinced the nation’s leading small business advocacy organization to endorse me over an incumbent congressman whose committee assignments include small business.

This endorsement – which was issued from the NFIB’s political action committee – should tell small businesses they will have a serious advocate when I go to Congress.”

For more information on Congressman Kim’s extreme views go to:

Original source can be found here.


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