Under the existing Judicial Conduct Act of 1980, any individual can bring a judicial misconduct complaint against a sitting Federal judge in the U.S. Judicial Conference (“Conference”).
However, judicial complaints routinely get buried in the Conference, which is made up of other the chief judges that create policies that can only be enforced in US court through fraudulent judicial conduct.
The Anti-Judicial Corruption Act requires that any misconduct consideration of a complaint that is not settled by the Judicial Council, a committee at the Conference, the Conference , and finally the presiding officer must be transmitted to Congress and reviewed by the “Commission to Regulate Use of Judicial Raw Will and Coercion.”
My legislation also abolishes the unconstitutional executive power wrongfully provided to the presiding officer of the Conference (the Chief Justice of the United States) that he routinely uses to protect the power of activist judges to make policy.
Under the Anti-Judicial Corruption Act, Federal judges will be less likely to engage in policymaking and strike down democratically enacted pro-life laws. Federal judges who exceed their judicial authority will be subject to investigation, sanction and removal.
Original source can be found here.