Leigha Garner-Lopez | Leigha Garner-Lopez

Leigha Garner-Lopez: Economy



The Biden Administration has caused us to free-fall into a recession. To fix this we must:

-We need to eliminate taxes on food & fuel since those are necessities.

-We need reciprocity in International Trade. Uphold tariffs on China and other currency manipulators

-Support the use of Anti-Trust laws to break up Big Tech monopolies

-Oppose any tax increase, whether direct or indirect, on US citizens

-Reduce Federal through tax cuts to increase revenue and foster job creation

-Defund the UN, WHO and other wasteful and corrupt bureaucracies

-Oppose the Paris Climate Accord and other “climate” agreements that unfairly target the US economy while ignoring the worst offenders

-Defund efforts to defend foreign borders and fund efforts to address the lawless US southern border

-Oppose needless foreign wars and use the “peace dividend” to address domestic needs, like balancing the budget

-Vote against any budget whereby expenditures exceed revenues

-Oppose wasteful vote-buying “Stimulus” packages that devalue our currency and burden future generations

-Support deregulation of the US Energy sector to bring down fuel costs and reduce dependence on foreign suppliers

-Defund the IRS by supporting the Fair Tax or another flat tax plan that empowers voters

-Support initiatives to increase US fuel refinery capabilities

Original source can be found here.


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