Patrick Wells | Patrick Wells

Patrick Wells: Thorium Nuclear Energy with Molten Salt Reactors



There are many arguments about climate change and whether or not it is man made.  I say it doesn't matter!  Whether CO2 is responsible for any changes to our environment or not is a ridiculous argument.  When you lift the lid on the argument, you really find it's a war between those who are profiting from the big oil companies and those who are profiting from the "green" energy market.  The bottom line is - it's all about money!  It seems both sides of that war are against nuclear fission energy.  Why?  Because it's more cost effective per Megawatt Hour produced than all other sources of energy.  Therefore the profits aren't as great.  It would be a hell of a crusade to change the thinking on this matter, but that's a challenge I intend to take head on.

Current Nuclear Reactors use Plutonium that is enriched into Uranium to provide the fuel rods for the fission reaction.  If we switched to Thorium, it can be enriched into Plutonium that is at a lower elemental number than the Plutonium currently used.  That means the half life of the radioactive waste is significantly less (hundreds of years vs. thousands).  Furthermore, Thorium cannot be enriched into weapons grade Plutonium, thus it cannot be weaponized.  The United States is the second largest source of Thorium in the world, with India being the largest.

Molten Salt Reactors can be used to provide an extremely safe method of producing nuclear energy.  In the event of an emergency, the water can be drained from the reactor and the entire fission reaction gets shut down.  There is no chance of a nuclear core meltdown.  An unusually beneficial byproduct of Molten Salt Reactors is that they can also be used to convert sea water into safe drinking water.

Original source can be found here.


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