Kimberly Walker | Kimberly Walker

Kimberly Walker: Gun Reform



Gun violence has plagued the United States for far too long. 80% of Americans want common-sense gun control, yet new laws continue to undermine the people's will to keep guns out of the wrong hands. How is that freedom or democracy? This capitulation of the Second Amendment, which Kim believes is misinterpreted, means the rest of us have to live our lives in fear. Why is it so hard to understand we can be pro-Second Amendment while still supporting reasonable gun laws that can save lives? We can't continue to be at the will of the NRA and the lawmakers and judges beholden to them. Every single mass shooting, we call for common-sense gun control, yet we are still here. If anything, we are going in the wrong direction.

  • Ban the sale and distribution of assault weapons. Assault weapons like the AR-15 are weapons of war. While in the military, Kim was trained on the M-16, a weapon that was derived from the AR-15.
  • Background checks for everyone, especially private sales, to ensure potential gun owners aren’t on the National Database.
  • Police substations in schools. (Let police come, set up substations where they can sit and write reports while maintaining a constant presence in our schools
  • Mandatory gun safety classes for first-time buyers.
  • Retailers selling firearms to customers across state lines should adhere to the laws where the buyer resides.
  • Extend the three-day waiting period for law enforcement officers to perform background checks sufficiently.
  • Fund the CDC for research on gun violence
Original source can be found here.


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