Kimberly Walker | Kimberly Walker

Kimberly Walker: Foreign Policy



The U.S. must work with other countries as a global leader to create a more open, innovative, and prosperous world. Isolation is no longer viable in this new age of globalization. The future of U.S. influence depends on how willing it is to engage with other countries and regions. Below are Kimberly Walker’s position on foreign policy issues:


China has always been a bad actor, from stealing US trade secrets to undermining the sanctions placed on North Korea. The greatest threat coming from China is their advancement in artificial intelligence (AI). As a result, China's rapid advancement and investment in AI poses a significant threat to the US as their technology can disrupt many aspects of American life including manufacturing, healthcare, and transportation. China is also investing in undeveloped countries by building bridges, hospitals, roads, railways, airports, and seaports. China’s goal is to expand trade and influence via infrastructure and investments in other countries.


Iran should never be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Unfortunately, abandoning the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) ruined America’s credibility. The US should rejoin the JCPOA.

North Korea

North Korea is a challenge. Kim Jong Un does not care about his citizens, and no matter what type of sanctions imposed on North Korea, they will never give up their nuclear weapons. In my option, there are only two options: war or allow North Korea to keep some of its nuclear weapons. Neither options are good but by going into an agreement with North Korea that entailed partial sanctions relief in exchange for some dismantling of its nuclear weapons, but not full denuclearization would be the better of two bad options.

Original source can be found here.


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