Bob Healey for Congressman: Healey Endorsed by Log Cabin Republicans’ Pac | N/A

Bob Healey for Congressman: Healey Endorsed by Log Cabin Republicans’ Pac

New Jersey


MOORESTOWN, NJ — Burlington County business owner and congressional challenger Bob Healey today issued the following statement:

“I am personally very honored to announce that our campaign to replace Andy Kim in Congress has received the official support of the Log Cabin Republicans’ political action committee.”

In making the endorsement, the group’s president Charles Moran, said, “I am thrilled to inform you that Log Cabin Republicans Political Action Committee, the political action committee affiliate of Log Cabin Republicans, has voted to support your candidacy in the 2022 election cycle.”

Moran added, “After a thorough review of your materials and your record, we have concluded that you are the pro-limited government, pro-personal freedom candidate that our members can enthusiastically support.”

“On the issues that really matter, the closer voters look at each candidate’s views the more they are concluding I best reflect the common sense and moderation they want from the person they send to Washington to represent them. Congressman Kim’s votes over the last two terms prove he’s simply out-of-step with the majority of New Jerseyans,” Healey said.

The Log Cabin Republican group was founded in 1977 in California as a rallying point for Republicans opposed to a proposed ban of gay individuals from teaching in public schools. The name Log Cabin Republicans was chosen to call attention to the first Republican president, Abraham Lincoln. ‘The Log Cabin Republicans suggest that Lincoln founded the Republican Party on the philosophies of liberty and equality. These principles, Log Cabin argues, are consistent with their platform of an inclusive Republican Party.

Original source can be found here.


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