Today, Rep. Randy Feenstra (IA-04) completed the final stop on his 39 County Tour for 2021, officially visiting all 39 counties in Iowa’s 4th District at least twice this year. After taking office, Feenstra committed to visiting all 39 counties at least twice every year.
“I always tell folks that ‘we are government together,’ meaning I am here to serve Iowans in the 4th District and be their voice in Congress -- and I cannot do that effectively without traveling the district, meeting folks where they are, listening to concerns, and taking thoughts and ideas straight to Washington,” said Rep. Feenstra. “It has always been a top priority to ensure my constituents have a seat at the table when decisions are being made that affect our farmers, families, and rural main street businesses.
“Whether it was meeting with farmers in Palo Alto County, law enforcement officers in Boone County, or business owners in Sac County -- and everywhere in between -- I have enjoyed learning more about the district and voicing concerns and ideas during committee meetings and in conversations with my colleagues,” Feenstra continued. “I will continue being a passionate advocate for all Iowans in the 4th District, and I look forward to meeting Iowans and learning from them as I continue traveling the district.”
Meeting Producers
As a member of the House Agriculture Committee, Feenstra has made it a top priority to ensure Iowa ag producers have a seat at the table in Washington. He has he numerous meetings with farmers, including at a recent roundtable discussion in Palo Alto County. There, he met a 6th generation farmer concerned about Pres. Biden’s plan to eliminate stepped-up basis which Feenstra has strongly and vocally opposed.
As the number one ethanol producing district in the country, Feenstra has also toured processing plants and met with producers -- including at Flint Hills in Butler County and Golden Grain Energy in Cerro Gordo County.
Meeting Main Street Business Owners Born and raised in Hull, Feenstra knows firsthand that main street businesses -- local restaurants, grocery stores, and shops -- form the backbone of our rural communities. He has met with small business owners throughout the district, including in Sac, Sioux, Story, and Wright counties. Meeting Students and Educators Prior to serving in Congress, Feenstra taught business and economics classes at Dordt University. He continues to have a strong passion for education and has met with students and educators at Ellsworth Community College in Hardin County, Iowa Central Community College in Webster County, MMCRU High School in Cherokee County, and Iowa State University in Story County. Meeting Law Enforcement Officers As a strong supporter of the men and women who serve and protect our communities, Feenstra has talked with law enforcement officers -- including a recent visit to the Boone Police Department. Meeting Health Care Providers Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, health care providers have faced numerous challenges serving on the front lines. Feenstra has met with administrators at Cerro Gordo Public Health, Siouxland Community Health Center in Woodbury County, Grundy County Memorial Hospital, and Myrtue Medical Center in Shelby County |
Original source can be found here