Today, Texans For Greg Abbott released its next television ad of the general election cycle entitled, “Tables.” The ad features Governor Greg Abbott discussing how the struggles he faced in his childhood have impacted his leadership of Texas. The ad will run statewide.
Click HERE to watch the latest TV ad.
Transcript For “Tables”:
GOVERNOR GREG ABBOTT: “My dad died when I was in high school. I had to wait tables at a place just like this to be able to pay for school. It took hard work, but Texas gave me the opportunity to succeed. That’s why as governor, I focus on creating jobs for all Texans…”
CHYRON: Creating Jobs For Texans
GOV. ABBOTT: “…By investing in education…”
CHYRON: Investing In Education
GOV. ABBOTT: “…Expanding our energy industry…”
CHYRON: Expanding The Energy Industry
GOV. ABBOTT “…And by keeping taxes low for our families.”
CHYRON: Keeping Taxes Low
GOV. ABBOTT: “We are securing the future of Texas so that everyone has the same opportunities that Texas gave me.”
Original source can be found here.