The first panacea for a mismanaged nation is inflation of the currency; the second is war. Both bring temporary prosperity; both bring a permanent ruin. But both are the refuge of political and economic opportunists. ~Ernest Hemingway
As a standard, I am using $ 1,000,000 in July of 2021 to mark the value of that amount at that time. The buying power of that $1,000,000 lost more than 1/2 of its value just 21 years ago. If you take out inflation, the cost of a $500,000 home today in the year 2001 would cost less than 1/2 that amount or around $250,000.
If spending by an out-of-control democrat Congress continues to spend as in the past, our living standard will decline, and poverty for the nation will ensue. What asset currently is backing up our money? Its value rests in our mutual belief that it is a currency backed by nothing more than the full faith and credit of the U.S. treasury. One must understand that money is nothing more than a way to exchange your hour of labor for another’s workers’ hour of work or a service or product they product. The government produces nothing and can only survive by taking the fruits of your labors. They confiscate your earnings by taxing you and then can buy votes to keep themselves in power and enjoy the luxury that goes with that taxing power.
Our currency is only as good as the paper it is printed on. It has no intrinsic value. Those who put away savings have lost more than 1/2 of their buying power. If your payment were as it was in 2021, and your pay was doubled tomorrow, you would not be getting an actual raise. You would only be keeping pace with inflation’s impact for the past 20-plus years. Inflation is bad for everyone other than those with hard assets. Currently, 60% of our nation is living paycheck to paycheck. That is unacceptable.
Therefore, when you cast your vote, you need to vote for a person that will fight for a strong and sound currency. You can sleep well at night knowing that if you honor me with your vote and when I am elected, I will never vote to encourage deficit spending unless it is in times of war. With the Biden and Democrat-sponsored budget in place, you can see the effects now. The basic price of almost everything is rising at an alarming rate. Fuel, building supplies, and all commodities have gone up. Chop meat has gone from under $2.00 to more than $4.00/lb.
Beefsteak has gone from $6 /LB to $12/LB. How can a working man or woman with a family keep pace with inflation? They can’t. Help me stop this madness. Vote them out regardless of what party they belong to.
This will only stop when the spending of money we don’t have stops. Stop the spending. Vote only for fiscally conservative candidates. Stop the new green deal. It will bankrupt our country. Vote the Dems and anyone else who is a spend and tax politician out of office.
Original source can be found here.