I believe in School Choice. If you stand with the Democrats and the teacher unions that are destroying the very children, they tell you they want to protect. We in Florida are blessed that our Republican governor, Mr. Ron DeSantis, followed the science and opened our schools a year ago. Look at the Blue states: California, New York, Michigan, and others. They are still shut down. The children in those states are losing out. All those with the finances have moved their children out of public school and into private schools. At the same time, the union teachers are being paid and not in the classroom. In my view, this is a de facto racist-inspired policy.
Who are the students being hurt? The majority are predominantly minority and low-income children.
They are being penalized by Biden, the Democrat party, and the teachers union. Loving Parents will always want the best education for their children.
I know the power of proper teaching. Not all children learn with the same methods. I am an example of that. I attended public school. By the time I reached 5th grade, I could not read. When my mom was presented with this issue, she did not give up on me. She did her research and found a school. We did that drive twice a week at great expense to my family. It paid off because I learned to read phonetically as opposed to what was taught in public school at the time. They were teaching sight-reading, which was a disaster for many of my schoolmates and me. With proper reading skills, I went to the top of my class and never looked back.
Reading is the key to education. Instead of all the social programs and indoctrination (brainwashing) of our children promulgated by the Dems and left-wing groups pushing critical race theory and such, we should be directing our teachers to teach our children the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic. We as a country spend the most on education for our children, yet we don’t get what we pay for. Our country scores on the world stage 38th in math and 24th in science. This is unacceptable. Defund the Federal Department of Education. Education is the sole responsibility of each State, and money should not be given to the federal government so that they can use that money to transform our public schools into Government schools. Government schools should not allow for propaganda to be inculcated in the minds of those being taught. Check our constitution, and you will see that the responsibility for educating our people was a power granted solely to each state. There was a department of education under President Andrew Johnson, but its primary purpose was to collect information and statistics about the nation’s schools.
In 1979 it became a cabin-level agency. The Democrat President Jimmy Carter allowed this to come into being.
Now the Federal government has control of the money sent to each state’s school system. Currently, they can force states (by threatening to withhold funds) to teach nonsense such as Common Core, Critical race theory, and such. We need to change that back to how it was before 1979. Before 1979, there was no Department of Education at the federal level. Vote to take the federal government out of our education system. Return all tax money slated for education to the States.
We must defund the public unions and put our children’s education first. Give that money back to the teachers. Please don’t force them to disregard the kids as they have during this pandemic.
Instead of teaching our younger generations to hate America (revisionist history 1618 project), we should be teaching them that we are not a perfect country. Still, we strive to do better every day. I don’t know of any country that is a better place to live. Show me anywhere in the world where minorities are more accepted and allowed to prosper than in America. What sets us apart is the rule of law and our constitution. Without the rule of law, you have nothing. Stop all those who push hate, division, and segregation in our schools. Become a Republican as we stand for Truth, Liberty, and the American way of life.
Join me, Dr. Steven Chess, and vote chess for congress to ensure equality, not equity, for all who live and abide by our laws and our constitution.
Original source can be found here.