Christopher Bradley | Christopher Bradley

Christopher Bradley: WOMEN'S HEALTH



I believe that Congress had 50 years to codify the decision of Roe v. Wade into law.  They failed.  Each and every one of them.  The Democratic leadership has also failed the women of our country by treating the issue like it is still the 1970s.  Reproductive health and medicine have significantly advanced in women’s health, especially in reproduction management.  Women now have many more options to control their ability to become pregnant than when Roe v Wade was first decided 50 years ago.  From IUDs to Plan B/morning after medications, women have absolute control over their reproductive health, as indicated by the year-after-year drop in abortions.  Our Party should be celebrating the advancement of medical science in women’s health while ensuring accessibility and affordability for women (indeed, all people) are protected. 

I believe most people in the United States are ethically ok with abortion in the first trimester.  Over 90% of abortions happen during the first trimester; if you include up to week 15 that number goes up to nearly 97%. 

I will fight to ensure consistency and access across all 50 states.  Something that can be legislated at the federal level regardless of the overturning of Roe v. Wade.  Additionally, I will fight to ensure that the rare exceptions, cases of rape, incest, and sexual trafficking, are not excluded or made illegal like the state of Florida is attempting to do.  Finally, I want to ensure that women have unfettered access to sexual education and reproduction control.    

Too many of our incumbents in safe seats have become slogan shouters because that allows them to say they are for these critical issues but lack substantial action to back up their words.  Our own incumbent went 16 years before finally doing the minimum expected of a Democratic candidate and voted yes on protecting women’s health.

I will do better by building coalitions of like-minded leaders across both parties to act or amend legislation to cultivate solutions.

Original source can be found here.


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