Christopher Bradley | Christopher Bradley

Christopher Bradley: Local and State



In the 1970s, unprecedented political cooperation and hundreds of science-guided projects save Tampa Bay from environmental disaster.  It was a symbol of the success of the Clean Water Act of 1972.  Over 50 years later, that progress is being eroded by fecal and industrial pollution and other dangers.  Seagrass levels are dropping.  Once removed from the endangered list, manatees are now starving and dying in record numbers.  2021 saw the worst Red Tide in the Tampa Bay since the Clean Water Act was passed.

After decades of successful activism, our Bay is again in danger because of incumbent politicians’ lip service paid to environmental issues.  Stress to the environment through climate change along with just plain old-fashioned man-made pollution of lawn and agricultural run-off, combined with industrial pollutants like the Piney Point, harm our local environment once again.  We know what we need to do, but without the local, state, and federal political will, our Bay and waterways will flounder, hurting our health and economy.  I can bring that political will to Congress and build those coalitions across party lines to ensure Tampa and Florida water remains a source of pride for our community. 

Original source can be found here.


National Spotlight

Senator Woods on LFC Budget: Providing 'a true return on the public’s investment'

by Campaigns Daily
Senator Pat Woods expressed concerns regarding the Legislative Finance Committee's (LFC) FY26 budget recommendation, highlighting the need for measurable goals, targeted expenditures, and increased accountability for taxpayer dollars.
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