Christopher Bradley | Christopher Bradley

Christopher Bradley: Renewable Energy



Florida’s power sector’s source of consumption comprises 70% natural gas, 15% nuclear, 9% coal, and 5% renewable (primarily solar).  Natural gas is still a source of CO2 and methane, and almost all natural gas power plants can switch to petrol if natural gas supplies are disrupted.  The current and speculated future rise in the price of natural gas will lead to financial hardship in our struggling communities. 

I support investment in thorium reactors as part of the ‘green energy’ push.  Thorium reactors are safer, more efficient, and environmentally friendly than contemporary nuclear power plants.  Additionally, thorium reactors can produce cheaper energy compared to nuclear energy, thereby providing another cost-effective green alternative to contribute to a diverse energy portfolio.  Federal subsidies for renewable energies have dramatically reduced the costs of wind and solar subsidizing a new generation of nuclear reactors (thorium) can bring about commercial success and cost decreases.  The future of nuclear energy is an essential investment as currently, 55 nuclear reactors provide 19.7% of all U.S energy compared with 67,000 wind turbines that provide 8.4% of all U.S. energy.  For skeptics, nuclear energy has been proven safe, with over 445 reactors operating safely worldwide (not including nuclear submarines) with 3 significant accidents in 60 years.  Additionally, the generated waste materials are estimated to fill no more than a single football field.

I support investing in solar.  Roof-top solar that our “environmental advocate” Representative advocates for is beneficial.  But mainly to those homeowners who can afford it and are willing to forgo trees shading their house.  Roof-top solar advocacy does nothing for those that rent or live in high-density housing.  In other words, roof-top solar benefits the richest in our community rather than the poorest. 

If roof-top solar is beneficial to you – then do it!  But I want to represent the community while saving our environment.  To do that, we need to invest in solar power plants rather than focusing on individuals.  Mass solar power production will benefit all residents, not just the select homeowners. 

I would also advocate for offshore wind turbines.  While Florida may not be the best place for it, it is a viable alternative to coal and natural gas.  Even more so in our New England region.     

Original source can be found here.


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