Mark Ronchetti for Governor: ICYMI: Mark Ronchetti Crushes Michelle Lujan Grisham in Final Debate

New Mexico


Governor refuses to answer questions about sexual harrasment scandal

Albuquerque, NM – Mark Ronchetti held Michelle Lujan Grisham accountable for her disastrous record in leading the state of New Mexico. We have skyrocketing crime, an economy that is harming the working class, and schools that are failing to prepare our children for the future.

Lujan Grisham was visibly angry the entire debate and tried to blame everyone under the sun for her record.

Not only did the governor not address her failure to protect and support our citizens, she failed to answer for her gross misconduct in sexually assaulting a gay man.

When asked directly by a panelist why the governor paid to settle the case if she did nothing wrong, with crossed arms, Lujan Grisham refused to answer and instead did what career politicians do and began rambling about other issues.

When asked directly by Mark Ronchetti why she continues to silence her victim with a non-disclosure agreement while preaching about believing victims, she again refused to answer.  

Michelle Lujan Grisham grabbed James Hallinan’s crotch, asked him “Is there even anything down there?” and then mocked him in front of other members of her staff. After the staffer came forward with the allegations, he was subjected to a smear campaign before eventually being paid off $150,000 to keep quiet and sign a nondisclosure agreement. The governor later signed a bill outlawing NDA’s for sexual assault cases.

On the issue of crime, the governor told some whoppers, including that she is not releasing criminals from prison, despite the fact that she commuted the sentences of 700 convicted criminals in order to protect them from COVID.

In the case of Christopher Beltran, the governor released him early from prison twice. She first released him early for COVID on September 28, 2020. He absconded immediately and was arrested a month later on October 26, 2020. He was supposed to serve his year of parole in prison, ineligible for standard good time. Instead, Beltran was released early again on June 22, 2021, despite the fact that he made threatening phone calls from prison to his ex-girlfriend, Monique Gonzales. Beltran stated on recorded phone calls that he was going to get a gun and kick down her door. Four days after he was released, he did just that – and murdered Monique.

In last night’s debate, the governor refused to accept responsibility and nonsensically tried to blame a district attorney and judge for not prosecuting him on a gun possession charge years before he was sent to prison. Lujan Grisham simply can’t get around the fact that she released a murderer early from prison.

Throughout the debate, Lujan Grisham sat angrily with her arms crossed, clearly unaccustomed to being held accountable for her record. Is this the temperament of the person that you want leading your state?

As a reminder, here’s where both candidates stand on the most important issues of the day:

Sexual Assault

Truth about Michelle:

Grabbed an openly gay campaign staffer’s crotch and mocked him.

Asked him “Is there really even anything down there?”

When he spoke out, the governor used intimidation tactics and a smear campaign to discredit him.

When that didn’t keep him quiet, she paid him $150k with campaign money and forced him to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

The governor then signed a law outlawing NDAs in cases related to sexual assaults, while exempting her own from this law.

Was quoted as saying this about victims “you believe the individual” because if you don’t, you’re “re-victimizing” them.

Now the governor is stating that the allegations leveled against her are “completely false.”

By her own definition she is re-victimizing James Hallinan every day that she denies these allegations


Mark’s position:

He will end catch and release in New Mexico.

He will enhance New Mexico’s 3-strikes law to include all classes of rape, kidnapping, and assault. New Mexico’s current law has never been used – Mark will change that.

He will appoint tough-on-crime judges who will carry out just and fair sentencing.

Mark is endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police and Albuquerque Police Officers Association.

Truth about Michelle:

She released HUNDREDS of criminals out of prison early, only rescinding the order this past week.

Our prison population is down 20% while violent crime is up 30%.

Record murders.

2nd most violent state in the nation.

She has appointed catch and release judges who pass weak sentences and constantly let criminals out of jail.

She has failed to end catch and release and accepted the maximum contribution from the creator of the Catch and Release (Arnold) tool.


Mark’s position:

Mark will implement programs to catch kids up from COVID learning loss.

Ensure that more money is making it into the classroom, not being wasted in administration.

Recognize parental rights in their children’s education including knowing the curriculum, knowing overall school performance, and having the ability to send their kid to the public school that best fits their needs.

Truth about Michelle:

Shutdown our schools longer than nearly every other state.

New Mexico is 51st in academic achievement.

Nearly ¾ of our kids cannot read nor do math to proficiency.


Mark’s position:

Will cut taxes for low and middle income families.

Cut the GRT every year of his administration.

Provide sustained economic relief for working families through tax cuts and the oil and gas rebate program.

Truth about Michelle:

One of the highest unemployment rates in the country.

40% of small businesses closed due to her draconian lockdowns

1,200 restaurants will never reopen their doors.

She supports high GRT rates that smothers small businesses with tax pyramiding.


Mark’s Position:

Create an Independent Child Protection division.

Increase transparency by making regular reports and data public.

Create Independent Watchdog Ombudsman for increased accountability.

Truth about Michelle:

She weakened child abuse laws.

Continues to let kids be returned to dangerous situations.

Deleted communications to cover up mismanagement in a tragic CYFD death case in order to protect MLG and the administration politically.

Border Security

Mark’s position:

Redeploy the national guard to the border and get more resources to local law enforcement.

End sanctuary policies in our state that encourage illegal immigration.

Create Border Strike Force within DPS to disrupt drug cartel activity in New Mexico.

Truth about Michelle:

Removed the national guard from the border.

Weak laws that attract cartel and gang activity, including a gang connected to the Sinaloa Cartel who were busted with 1 million fentanyl pills in the South Valley this month.

Made New Mexico a sanctuary state where police are prohibited from notifying federal law enforcement when they arrest illegal immigrants who commit crimes in New Mexico.


Mark’s position:

Repeal or fix HB75 which is chasing doctors out of the state, increasing wait times and decreasing access to healthcare.

Incentivize doctors and other medical professionals to move to New Mexico to work, especially in our rural communities (Doctor GI Bill).

Break down barriers to being a doctor here by improving the economic environment for them.

Truth about Michelle:

Signed HB75, allowing doctors to be sued for up to $4 million, driving doctors out of state.

We are 330 MDs short, including being short 60 OBGYNs

Consistently ranked in the top 5 worst states to practice medicine because of policies she champions


Mark’s position:

Supports holding a special election to let the people of New Mexico decide this issue.

Mark’s personal position is to end late-term abortion and protect access to contraception. Mark’s position is consistent with the vast majority of countries in Europe.

Repeal/fix HB 75 so we can attract OBGYNs back into this state to protect access to women’s healthcare.

Truth about Michelle:

Michelle wants politicians to decide this issue and not let the people of New Mexico have a say.

Supports taxpayer funded late-term abortion up to the moment of birth without any limits.

MLG’s position on abortion is so extreme it’s only shared by countries like North Korea and China.

Original source can be found here.


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