Tom Cole | Tom Cole

Tom Cole: Protecting the Unborn



Tom has a 100% rating from the National Right to Life Committee, An A+ Rating from the Susan B. Anthony List, and has always fought to protect the unborn. Even before videos uncovered the heinous actions of Planned Parenthood, Tom took action to completely eliminate federal funding for family planning that funds groups such as Planned Parenthood. Tom also cosponsored the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 and helped secure passage of the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which bans abortion after 20 weeks. Tom also cosponsored the Health Care Conscience Rights Act, which protects individual’s religious liberties and allows companies such as Hobby Lobby to refuse to participate in healthcare plans that fund abortion.

Currently, Tom, with other House Republicans, are standing strong against the Biden Administration in protecting the Hyde Amendment which has prevented taxpayer funding of Abortion for decades.

Original source can be found here.


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