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Crist Slams “Worst Property Insurance Gov. In Florida History” as DeSantis Announces a Third Insurance Special Session



From October 20, 2022 post.

“Florida can’t afford four more years” 

Today, Charlie Crist, candidate for governor of Florida, blasted Ron DeSantis, worst property insurance governor in Florida history, for announcing a third special session in December, a third attempt to fix his broken property insurance market.

Floridians now pay the highest property insurance premiums in the country, with the average family paying over $4,200, up from under $2,000 when DeSantis took office, nearly triple the national average. He nearly tripled taxpayer exposure to hurricanes by swelling Citizens’s rolls from around 400,000 when he took office to nearly 1.1 million today.

As Governor, Crist called a special session that stabilized the insurance market, held insurance companies accountable, and lowered rates 10%. His Affordable Florida for All plan includes detailed suggestions to fix the problem with independent experts describing Crist’s plan as “tremendous” and a “massive, quick, quick fix for the market.

”Ron DeSantis, on the other hand, called a special session back in April that only served to help the insurance companies. DeSantis has taken $3 million from the insurance industry.

In a statement, Charlie Crist said:

“For years, Floridians have been begging Ron DeSantis to do something – anything – to lower property insurance rates. He’s failed twice. Why would we expect the third time to be the charm? 

“He is the worst property insurance governor in Florida history, period. And he has no plan to fix the mess he got us in. 

“No one believes that Ron will finally do the right thing and fix his broken insurance market in his last month in office. It’s another political stunt, just like letting utilities delay their latest rate hike announcement until after the election.

“DeSantis has failed, and we’re all paying the price. Florida can’t afford four more years.” 

Original source can be found here.


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