Cindy Axne | Congress

Rep. Axne Statement on Continuing Resolution Vote to Avoid Government Shutdown



From September 30, 2022 post.

Today, Rep. Cindy Axne (IA-03) issued the below statement after voting for a continuing resolution to temporarily fund the federal government through December 16th, 2022 and avoid a government shutdown:

“Casting my vote for the tenth continuing resolution in my time representing the Third District is nothing short of disappointing. I took office in the middle of a government shutdown, and have no intention of returning to that situation, but failing to pass our appropriations bills on time again is a sad state of affairs. For the 25th year in a row, Congress has failed to complete one of its primary duties to properly fund the government on time – placing critical programs and services at risk of a shutdown year after year.

Before coming to Congress, I spent a decade balancing budgets in state government and solving problems as a small business owner. This level of dysfunction is not acceptable anywhere else, and cannot be acceptable in Washington.

We cannot allow this perennial brinkmanship to be our reality. I’ll continue pushing for meaningful reforms to make sure government functions as effectively and efficiently as possible for the American people.”

Original source can be found here


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