Joe O'Dea | Joe O'Dea

O'dea Visits U.s.-mexico Border



From October 26, 2022 post

In case you missed it, political outsider, successful business leader, and Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Joe O'Dea is touring the U.S.-Mexico border to see the humanitarian crisis that is affecting Colorado and the rest of the country first-hand.
See a recap of the coverage below:
The Guy Benson Show:
Guy Benson: My understanding is you're actually heading down there, doing something soon that the border czar, the Vice President, can't really be bothered to do. The President hasn't done at all, even during his vice presidency. You're going down there to see it for yourself. That's what I've heard. Is that right?
Joe O'Dea: That's correct. This election is a referendum on Joe Biden and Michael Bennet failures. They're locked at the hip, Bennet's with him 98% of the time. And right now there's a humanitarian crisis at the border. Migrants are dying. We've got human trafficking, the border is leaking fentanyl, and this fentanyl is killing working Americans right now. We've got 1900 Coloradans that lost their life to this poison, and other drugs last year. And we've got to put an end to it. Bennet and Biden they will not treat it like a crisis. I will. Every state right now is a border state including Colorado. We're hurting up here. I spent some time with Chief Pazen, Denver Police Chief and Sheriff Shrader from the Jeffco Sheriff's Department. And now I want to go down there and I want to hear from the folks at the border. And I'm gonna make this a priority in the Senate. We've got to get this border secured. Too many Americans are losing their lives, too many Coloradans. This has got to be a priority and I think I can help get a bill put across that gets this border secured. 

Original source can be found here


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