Joe O'Dea | Joe O'Dea

O'dea Wins Final Debate



From Oct 29, 2022 post

Political outsider, successful business leader, and Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Joe O'Dea decisively won the final debate against Michael Bennet tonight in Fort Collins. 

See the highlights below:

Michael Bennet meltdown after Joe O’Dea calls him out for being ineffective:  

"You’re ineffective." — Joe O’De

On the So-Called Inflation Reduction Act:

"You just voted for an 'Inflation Reduction Act' that even Bernie Sanders says doesn't reduce inflation whatsoever." 

"You're taxing working Americans."

On Bennet Denying that Democrats Misled Americans:  

Clark: "The 'Inflation Reduction Act' will not, according to the nonpartisan CBO, reduce inflation in any meaningful way. Did Democrats mislead Americans by calling it that?" 

Bennet: "I don't think we mislead the American people.” 

On The Election Being a Referendum on Biden and Bennet’s failed policies: 

"This election is a referendum on Joe Biden and his economy and Michael Bennet's rubber stamp he's helped him all along the way … You've been a rubber stamp for your party on inflation Michael Bennet was right there on crime. Michael Bennet's been right there on an open border Michael Bennet's blessed his war on energy. Michael Bennet has been right there on the price of diesel gas, all-time highs. Working Americans can't take that we can't have an energy policy that straps working Americans, and that's what we have right now and it's been blessed by Michael Bennet.”

On Bennet Regretting the Inflation Caused By His Reckless Spending: 

Bennet: “...I regret the inflation that people are facing” 

O'Dea: “That your spending caused.

On Taking on Reckless Spending: 

“We need to take on this reckless spending. Michael Bennet doesn't get it done, he gets no results, one bill in 13 years that he's been present. The only thing he's been consistent on is voting with his president 98 percent of the time.”

On Keeping Space Command in Colorado: 

“Well this is the difference between a contractor and a politician. When I'm in the U.S Senate I'm going to use my seat I'm going to use my seat like Joe Manchin has used his seat, to get good things for West Virginia. He may not have gotten his permits approved but he got a pipeline into West Virginia. All Michael Bennet had to do was say you know what I'm going to hold up this appointment I'm going to hold up this bill I'm going to hold up that bill because 50 is what the count is and they needed every vote, and I would use my seat to make sure that we keep Space Command here in Colorado. It's that important, and instead of doing a photo shoot over at Camp Hale what I would have done is I would have drugged the president through Colorado Springs and I would have showed him how important that is to Colorado Springs economy, how important it is to save over a billion dollars by leaving it here how important it is for our residents of Colorado to stay here in Colorado.”

On the Consequences of Giving Biden and Bennet Another 6 years:  

“I started thinking about Joe Biden serving another four years and you serve another six years, and I got to tell you it's terrifying our economy can't take another six years of a rubber stamp for a spender that just blesses everything that comes across his desk, spends money hand over fist. That’s terrifying to me, our economy can't take that. Working Americans here need a voice, I'll be the voice of reason that says you know what we need to be disciplined. We need to do what's right for Colorado instead of just hanging with my party 98% of the time. That's the problem, we can't take any more of these Democratic policies that have led to record inflation, record crime, record price on gas, record price on diesel, that's what we're faced with.”

On Securing the Border: 

“Michael Bennet's been in the Senate for 13 years and had every opportunity to secure this border it's still not secure. When I talk to the cops up here, Chief Pazen, Sheriff Schrader with Jefferson County, they're doing all they can for the fentanyl overdose crisis. Here in in town they need help with securing the border. When I went down there this last week they're asking for a wall. You know why? Because they're exhausted. They want it closed and to secure this border, that's where the fentanyl is coming from it's coming straight up I-25. They want the barriers so that they can drive people through the access points.”

Original source can be found here


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