Joe O'Dea | Joe O'Dea

O'dea Talks Closing Message with Fox Radio's Brian Kilmeade



From Nov 1, 2022 post

In case you missed it, political outsider, successful business leader, and Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Joe O'Dea laid out his closing message in a conversation with Fox Radio's Brian Kilmeade.

Listen to the full interview here.

See the highlights below:

On Energy

“We’ve got the cleanest natural gas molecule in the world and we should be producing it right here and he [Michael Bennet] has no answers.”

On Michael Bennet

“He continues to pass policies that just are crushing working Americans.”

“I called him on it the other night I asked him do you regret all the spending that you dumped into the market that’s caused reckless inflation, and he just fumbled. He didn’t step up and say yes we regret it.”

On O'Dea's Experience

“I’ve been on the backend of every one of these policies that politicians like Bennet pass and I’m a business owner and I gotta deal with it.”

“I call it death by a thousand cuts. Every time they turn around, they pass a new rule or a new law. I gotta tell you, half the time when I'm filling out the paperwork, I wonder whether anybody actually looks at it. We're, you know, we're trying to run a business despite the fact that government is in our business every day. And that's why I'm qualified — I know the effect of every one of these policies. So we need to get government out of our way. And that's why I got in this race.”

On Building a Big Tent

“Well, we're just talking about the issues that are affecting working Americans here. You know, it's the economy, the price of gas, it's the price of diesel, it's the price of groceries. We''ve got record crime here in Colorado, it's up 30%. We're number one in stolen vehicles. We're number one in bank robberies. We're number three state in violent crime. That's what working Americans here in Colorado are talking about. And I just continue to pound on those issues, because that's what's important to us. But I gotta tell you, we've got Democrats that have donated to my, my campaign. I was in Pueblo last night, we had a rally, and I had four or five people come up and say, hey, I vote Democrat all the time but I'm voting for you, Joe, because we got to have a change.”

On Fighting for Colorado

“We need representation for Colorado. We've got the most ineffective Senator that's, that's in the Senate right now. The Bureau of Land Management headquarters has moved out of Grand Junction because he doesn't know how to use his seat. We've lost Space Command from Colorado Springs, because he doesn't know how to use his seat. I had a lot of respect for Manchin, just, you know, sitting down saying I'm not going to pass that. I'm going to wait until I get some good for West Virginia. And that's what we need in Colorado — somebody who's not afraid to stand up, be counted. And so you know what, you don't get my vote until I get what I want. And that's what we need here in Colorado.”

On Inflation

“They passed an Inflation Reduction Act that won't do anything to lower the price of anything. It's going to actually raise prices. It's a tax. And then they're going to hire 87,000 IRS agents come shakedown working Americans and collect more tax from us. These guys are lost. It's a narrative that they're trying to make before an election because they know they're in trouble right now. They dump from the strategic oil reserves so that they can keep the price down. I guess the midterms are, they view, as an emergency? I don't. I don't see it that way.”

On Diesel

“Working Americans are going to really feel it. This diesel is going to go up another dollar is what I'm predicting, just because of the shortages. You know, they've crushed our refineries. They've shut a bunch of the refineries down across the nation, which is helping to drive the price of diesel up. It's going to be a really, really grim Christmas. We've got to make a change here in the United States.”

On Final Stretch

“People want to talk what's important right now. It's the economy. It's the price of gas. It's this crime. We've got to get our border shut down. Fentanyl is killing working Americans here in Colorado. We lost 1900 last year to drug overdose. And that's the thing that's important to the people across the state. I'm just going to continue with my message. It's it's a great coalition that we built. These people are tired, they're exhausted and they're ready for some relief.”

Original source can be found here


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