Joe O'Dea | Joe O'Dea

I've Been All across the State and I Can Tell Ya, People Aren't Happy



From Nov 3, 2022 post

In case you missed it, political outsider, successful businessman, and Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Joe O'Dea spoke with Shaun Kraisman on Newsmax about his campaign and laid out his agenda to lift up working Americans.

See the full interview here.

See the highlights below:

On what voters are telling Joe what matters in this race: 

“You can feel it on the ground here in Colorado. I’ve been all across this state for the last six, seven weeks, and I can tell you people are unhappy. They’re just sick and tired of this Biden economy, and Michael Bennet votes with him 98% of the time. When I talk to people, they’re concerned about the price of groceries, they’re concerned about the price of gas, diesel.  

“We had a hell of a weekend last weekend. Over the Halloween weekend we had 12 shootings in the Denver metro area. Crime is at an all-time high here in Colorado, and people are concerned about all of it. And that’s what they’re talking about.  

“I’m a contractor, not a politician, and I’m just a working guy that decided that we need to get in this race because we needed an option that’ll take our country back.” 

On crime: 

“When you start talking to the cops here in Denver, I’ve been backed by the Denver Police Union. I’m the only one in this race backed by 22 sheriffs because they know I’ll be tough on crime.  

“When you have Joe Biden and Michael Bennet defund, demoralize the police, and talking about how bad these people are and not making that a cherished spot, that really hits home for me because my dad was a 30-year veteran of the Denver Police Department. 

“And I believe crime is out of control here in Colorado. We’ve woke DAs that are doing cashless bonds right now, turning people back onto the street that should be held. Number one in car thefts, number one in bank robberies, number three in violent crime, that’s not the Colorado I grew up in, and it’s time we make a change here.”  

On ending Biden and Bennet’s war on energy to get inflation under control: 

“We’ve got record inflation right now. It’s a tax on working Americans.”

“We’ve lost 10-12% of our buying power here in Colorado because of this inflationary tax that Biden and Bennet have put on us, and it’s crunching working Americans. My wife and I, we came from nothing. We grew a business into 300 families, and we know what it’s like to struggle. I know what it’s like to put payroll on a visa card.” 

“At the end of the day, I’m telling you, working Americans are struggling. We need to do better. We need to do more. We’ve got to end this war on energy that Biden and Bennet have caused. Until diesel goes down, we’re not going to see any strides against this inflation. And when I get to the U.S. Senate, we’re going to tee that up and make sure we get our energy businesses back online.”

Original source can be found here


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