Lauren Boebert | Lauren Boebert

Lauren for Freedom Newsletter



Demolishing Biden’s Ministry of Truth

Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security, run by the inept, lying Alejandro Mayorkas, announced that it created a new “Disinformation Governance Board” to be headed by a leftwing feminist named Nina Jankowicz. I immediately took action to stop this department of propaganda. Many colleagues signed onto my bill called the “Protecting Free Speech Act” that would abolish the Disinformation Board and restrict any federal department from setting up a similar initiative.

I then took to the House Floor to completely expose Nina Jankowicz and call out this board for what it really is – an Orwellian censorship and propaganda effort. I’m proud to say, late Wednesday, DHS announced they were scrapping the board and Jankowicz has resigned. Watch my speech that brought down the “Ministry of Truth” 

Using “Science” to Stand up to Radical Environmentalists

A radical judge in California is demanding that the gray wolf remain on the Endangered Species list despite its full recovery. This empowers the federal government to lock up land, especially in the Rocky mountain region. It also restricts farmers and ranchers from defending their property from these predatory animals. I’ve introduced a bill called “Trust the Science Act” to overturn this activists judge’s ruling because the science is actually on our side. Nothing against the gray wolf, it’s a beautiful animal, but these overbearing government restrictions inhibit the states and the people from dealing with the issues facing them.

Bringing back Honor Flights for Veterans

Our veterans, who sacrificed so much for our country, deserve to visit the War Memorials dedicated to them and their fallen brethren. I worked intently with the National Park Service and the U.S. Park Police to ensure that police escorts will be available for veterans visiting our nation’s capitol as part of the Honor Flight Network. It has been announced that U.S. Park Police will indeed restart the program and provide mobility support for disabled veterans. Last week, we had our first round of Honor Flights come into Washington D.C. – the first time in 2 years!

New Memoir and Rallying Call

In my new book, My American Life, I tell the full story of my life – how I went from working in McDonalds as a high school drop out, to opening my own business to running for Congress. I lay out my full vision for America as we head into the 2022 election and beyond!

You can place your pre-orders at any of these three retailers Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books-a-Million or Walmart.

Standing for Life & Calling out the Left

With the likelihood of Roe v. Wade being overturned, the left has lost its mind and I have double down on my 100% pro-life positions.

For years we had to stomach listening to Democrats say that Donald Trump and his supporters were attacking our democracy and inciting violence, etc…

…but when Democrats applaud the leaker and demand a “call to arms” ( as Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot literally did), there is suddenly no talk about how their rhetoric and actions undermine the independence of the judiciary.

Pointing out their hypocrisy didn’t make the leftists to happy with me, particularly Lori Lightfoot on attacked me on Twitter. I joined Fox News to talk about, watch the clip here »

Help me fend off the RINOs

The Colorado primary is next month, and I’m up against two opponents who call themselves Republicans. If you’d like to make a donation to my re-election campaign, you can do so online by clicking here. We need the help of grassroots patriots to fight off the attacks from the Democrats and RINOs.

Original source can be found here


National Spotlight

Senator Woods on LFC Budget: Providing 'a true return on the public’s investment'

by Campaigns Daily
Senator Pat Woods expressed concerns regarding the Legislative Finance Committee's (LFC) FY26 budget recommendation, highlighting the need for measurable goals, targeted expenditures, and increased accountability for taxpayer dollars.
Letters to the Editor
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