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Laurel Imer for Congress, Op-Ed on Afghanistan



From Aug 18, 2021 post

The utter and complete failure of the United States "war" in Afghanistan is simply a snapshot into the realization of the failure of globalism to the citizens of the United States and the world. I, in full transparency, supported the Bush decision to go to war following the attacks of 9-11, when I believed the intent was to win. It is now clear, that the Bureaucrats in Washington DC effectively tied the laces of our boots on the ground and caused irreparable damage to countless American families. I have since learned and pay better attention to the outcome of the consequences of the actions our government takes when they try to be the keeper of the world. 

Following WWII, the choice of war has never been about winning, rather, about the need to participate in some type of Preschool Globalist Group Time- playing a circle jerk of political correctness. The rules of engagement we put on our troops are disgraceful at best. We send our men and women into harm’s way -without the tools to win the fight, and then cry about the consequences of war. Somewhere along the way, we failed to understand the meaning of the word. Are we there for an Absolute war – Instrumental war - or Agonistic fighting? This is the problem - no one ever asked what type of engagement we were beginning. 

I do not agree with war - however, if we are going there, then go to win - Period. There is no other alternative in my interpretation. This is the failure we are seeing firsthand today in Afghanistan. The failure to understand the purpose of the fight, with no end in sight. We instead put American soldier’s lives on the line- for the longest war in American history - for what? NOTHING!!! Nothing but a global game of tag. 

Now - we leave billions of dollars of American-made equipment - tanks, weapons, drones - in the hands of the enemy. The enemy, who has declared JIHAD on citizens around the world, including Americans for decades. How utterly ridiculous and a complete insult to the families of those who lost everything. I am grieving today with over 2,000 GOLD STAR families - the mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, and more whose loved ones gave the last measure of devotion for a fight we never intended to actually win. 

And what about the physical sacrifices of over 20,000 of our wounded brothers and sisters since 2001? 

History repeats itself for those who fail to learn the lessons provided. I supported troop withdrawal in the region for many reasons - but it had to be done in an intelligent manner with proper planning and knowledge of the possible repercussion of those actions, i.e., the effect our leaving would have on the LaurelImerForCongress.com contact@laurelimerforcongress.com (720) 248-7639 

Afghan people, and our citizens in Afghanistan as well. But – no, the Biden administration gave no regard for anyone's security or safety, our Americans stationed there, or the safety of any others in the region. SO now here we are, 20 years later for what? 

Once again never considering the outcome, what happens now? Terrorism of the rise? Oil and gas prices? The safety of the Middle East, Israel, the United States, The World? Tell me today, how are those globalists, save the world policies working out? As Americans, we should demand that our leaders only and always do what is best for the lives of American citizens. Fight if we must - to defend the United States and our Allies - to the death and complete destruction - if that is what is necessary. If we cannot commit to winning the war, then do not go to war! 

Remember WWII. Had we not made the ultimate decision to fight – and to win - where would we be today? We must learn from our mistakes and not let history repeat itself for future generations. Always putting America First instead of others is the decision I stand behind today and always. Sincerely, Laurel Imer Republican Candidate United States Congress, CO-07 

Original source can be found here


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