Annie Andrews | Congress

Dr. Annie Andrews Releases Statement in Response to Nancy Mace’s Bigoted Attacks

South Carolina


From September 28 2022 post.

Today, Lowcountry pediatrician and candidate for the First Congressional District Dr. Annie Andrews released the following statement regarding Nancy Mace’s bigoted attack ad about Dr. Andrews’ and her hospital’s treatment of LGBTQ children:

“The most dangerous kind of politician is one who is worried for their political life. And Nancy Mace must be absolutely terrified of losing in November. I knew politics would be ugly but I never thought I’d see the day when my own congresswoman would accuse me - a pediatrician for over a decade - of “child abuse.” 
Let’s be clear: Nancy Mace is a politician who spends her time helping herself. I am a pediatrician who spends my time helping children.  While Nancy Mace has decided to engage in the most shameful, dishonest, and pathetic gutter-style campaign I have ever witnessed, I remain incredibly proud of my service to the community as a pediatrician and the campaign we are running. 
I do not support gender affirming surgery for anyone under 18 - nor does my hospital perform those procedures. What I support is evidenced-based medical care, with parental consent, for teens struggling with gender identity issues. While I do not practice this type of medicine, I have had the heartbreaking experience, on multiple occasions, of treating transgender teenagers who have attempted suicide because of the ridicule, harassment, and ostracization by peers and adults they should be able to trust. Adults like Nancy Mace, who use our kids as punching bags and pawns in their cynical political games, should be ashamed. Her vicious and disgusting attacks against me and LGBTQ kids puts them at increased risk of targeted attacks and self-harm behaviors. And it’s all in a cynical effort to get re-elected and keep those Fox News hits coming. It is truly remarkable.
These types of QAnon style attacks have led to threats of violence against doctors, including a bomb threat at Boston Children's Hospital. 
Congresswoman Mace’s political games have real life consequences. And while I refuse to back down to these abhorrent attacks and her shameful election strategy, I have been forced to take necessary precautions to protect me and my family. 
Effective immediately, I am taking unpaid leave from my job as a pediatrician at the Children’s Hospital in order to protect myself and my colleagues. 
Additionally, I am working with my hospital and local law enforcement to obtain increased security through the end of the election. 
And finally, I am exploring my legal options in response to Congresswoman Mace’s allegations of child abuse. To her, this is one big game. But this is my profession, my life’s work, and I will not allow her to defame me just to score a political point. 
To Congresswoman Mace, I’d simply say this: Is this job in Congress really worth throwing away your self-respect? Are those Fox News appearances that important to your ego? Are Lowcountry children really that expendable to you? As a Mother and a human being, If you have even a shred of dignity left, I ask that you stop these desperate attacks and start behaving like someone our kids can look up to.  
If that’s not possible, or if your political career is truly more important than basic human decency, then your defeat in November is more important than it has ever been. And I look forward to reminding the Lowcountry what it’s like to have a representative with a moral compass.” 
Original source can be found here.


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