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Gregory Moore for Senate-Issue about: Supporting a Big Tent approach to conservative politics in Colorado to turn Colorado red once again



From January 1, 2022 post

Let’s work to attract conservative Latino, Asian and Native Americans and others back to the GOP!  Let’s work to attract conservative black Americans back to the Party of Lincoln! Let’s work harder in urban, recently more blue areas, to bring some of these voters over to the Republican party.  In line with an appeal to business as well as workers, let’s work to attract more workers back to the Republican Party.  Let’s advocate a more Libertarian Republican Party to win back Colorado independents and libertarians as well.  Conservatives live in urban and rural areas, work in blue and white-collar vocations, consist of members of every race, ethnicity, and religion in our state and our nation.  We cannot turn Colorado red again without the support of this vast array of independent, libertarian, and conservative leaning individuals.  The dream of our founders was e pluribus unum —“out of many one,” and our diversity has always been a point of strength.  Conservatives of every stripe must work together to advance the principled and compassionate conservative values that made this country great and that remain our nation’s only hope for the future.           

Original source can be found here


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