Citizens for Chris Dargis
Recent News About Citizens for Chris Dargis
Chris Dargis for Congress Closing Gap on Krishnamoorthi
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According to a new poll, Chris Dargis is closing the gap on Raja Krishnamoorthi in a stunning show of the negative impact Joe Biden’s policies are having on his allies. Krishnamoorthi votes with Biden 100% of the time, and with 55% of respondents disapproving of Biden’s performance in a district he won by 15%, Dargis‘ message of sending problem solvers to Washington is resonating.
Chris Dargis for Congress: Raja in a Pickle
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Raja Krishnamoorthi continues to stand with Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden as they claim inflation is at 0%, rather than tell the truth and admit Biden’s policies have landed us in a recession, with July inflation at 8.5% increasing the cost of everything from gas to groceries to school supplies.
Chris Dargis for Congress: Where’s Raja? Krishnamoorthi Proxy Voting on Inflation Driving Bill
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Raja Krishnamoorthi is planning to pass the buck on his responsibilities as Representative, with his district office telling callers Rep. Krishnamoorthi plans to vote by proxy on tomorrow’s $740 Billion tax and spend inflation driving bill.
Chris Dargis for Congress: The Biden Recession Continues With High Inflation
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Inflation remained near record highs in July with prices across the board 8.5% more expensive than they were a year ago. This is a radical shift from January 2021 at the beginning of President Biden’s administration when the CPI was only 1.4%.
Chris Dargis Reacts to FBI Raid of Mar-A-Lago
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What unfolded yesterday is truly unprecedented. With just a few short weeks to go until midterm elections, the lack of transparency surrounding the reasons for this raid is heightening political mistrust and divisiveness in our country.
Dargis Calls Out Krishnamoorthi as Biden Tax Hike Heads to House
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My opponent is ignoring the economic challenges facing the people of the district as he prepares to support Joe Biden’s tax hike.
Chris Dargis for Congress: Washington Needs Problem Solvers
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Republican candidate for Congress in Illinois’s 8th District, Chris Dargis, wrote an oped published yesterday explaining why Washington needs problems solvers. Chris is an outsider, a career problem solver first as a Naval officer, then as a successful businessman, tackling problems head on and getting the job done.
Chris Dargis for Congress: Where’s Raja?
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Congress has gone to recess to give Representatives a chance to return to their districts and hear from their constituents about the challenges they are facing that they want Congress to tackle.
Chris Dargis for Congress: As Congress Recesses, What Has Rep. Krisnamoorthi Accomplished?
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Congress is in recess, allowing representatives to come back to their districts to tout their accomplishments. What will Rep. Krishnamoorthi be touting this time around? 40 Year highs in inflation with more spending on the way? All-time high gasoline costs driven by extreme energy policies that have made America more beholden to despots around the world? Lax criminal justice policies that have emboldened criminals and made our streets less safe?
Chris Dargis for Congress: 100 Days To Election Day – Biden, Krishnamoorthi’s Failures Will Be On The Ballot
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There are 100 days left before Election Day 2022, and it’s clear President Biden’s failures, compounded by rubber stamp allies like Raja Krishnamoorthi, will be on the ballot in November. Let’s recap some of the failures of this administration that have not been held accountable by a Congress full of allies like Rep. Krishnamoorthi who care more about advancing in Washington than getting the job done for American families
Chris Dargis for Congress: Rep. Krishnamoorthi, President Biden Fail To Acknowledge The Recession They Created
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Chris Dargis, Republican nominee for Congress in Illinois’s 8th District, is calling on Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi and President Joe Biden to acknowledge the recession their policies have created and take responsibility for their failed agenda. The Biden Administration and their allies like Rep. Krishnamoorthi continue to pass blame and ignore the hardships facing Illinois families.
Chris Dargis for Congress: Washington Democrats Announce Billions in Spending That Will Compound Inflation
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Yesterday’s announcement of the so-called Inflation Reduction Act shows just how desperate Democrats are entering this year’s midterms. Only in DC could $400 billion dollars of additional taxes and spending be called ‘inflation reduction.’ The provisions of the bill do not tackle the root causes of our inflation, adding gasoline to an already raging fire that is dragging down our economy and American families with it.
Chris Dargis for Congress: Biden, Washington Politicians Shift Blame but Demand Praise as American Families Struggle with Energy Costs
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President Biden and politicians in Washington have been quick to point fingers as families struggle with surging prices at the pump and across our economy. President Biden tweeted yesterday about the cost of gas since its peak just weeks ago, claiming Americans are saving money at the pump now. In reality, his failed energy policies have led to a near doubling of price per gallon since taking office in January 2021.
Chris Dargis for Congress: Another Sign Americans Are Done With Biden Agenda
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Yesterday, a new Quinnipiac poll was released showing Americans are fed up with the Biden agenda and are looking for change in November. The poll found 71% of Americans do not want President Biden to run for reelection in 2024. Only 40% of Democrats polled said they wanted Biden to run again. His disapproval rating stands at 66% while only 28% of those polled approve of Biden’s handling of the country’s economic challenges.
Chris Dargis for Congress: Spike in Police Suicides Raises Concerns for Public Safety
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Illinois families have been faced with an onslaught of challenges in the last year: Biden’s inflation, rising energy costs, and spiking crime are hurting Illinois families, This week we learned that continued vitriol toward law enforcement has led to depressed morale and a rise in police suicides, raising concerns about public safety as law enforcement is continually villainized.
8th District Candidate Chris Dargis Named to NRCC’s Young Guns Program
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On Friday, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) released a list of the latest additions to their Young Guns program. The Young Guns program is intended to help candidates nationwide gain the tools they need to win elections. The Young Guns program has helped elect over 150 members of Congress.
IL-8 Congressional Candidate Chris Dargis Applauds Honoring of Schaumburg WWII Veteran
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Illinois’s 8th District Republican Candidate Chris Dargis this morning applauds Harper College in Palatine for honoring Schaumburg’s Bernie Bluestein this weekend.
8th District Candidate Chris Dargis on Continued Inflation: “Falls at the Feet of President Biden”
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Illinois’s 8th District Republican Candidate Chris Dargis responded to the news today that the Consumer Price Index, the nation’s best inflation indicator, has continued to increase despite continued attempts by the White House to divert blame from President Biden’s failed policies.
Chris Dargis’ Statement on Joe Biden’s Gimmick Gas ‘Relief’
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“Based on average fill ups, Joe Biden’s plan would only save families about $33 for the duration of the gas tax suspension. For many, that is not even a half a tank of gas.
Chris Dargis for Congress: Statement on Joe Biden’s Gimmick Gas ‘Relief’
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“Based on average fill ups, Joe Biden’s plan would only save families about $33 for the duration of the gas tax suspension. For many, that is not even a half a tank of gas.