(Henderson, NV) – Today, Henderson resident and business owner John Kovacs’
campaign released the following statement regarding the conclusion of his first
quarter in the race for Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District:
“Since entering this race in July, our campaign has worked tirelessly to reach
voters in Nevada’s 3rd Congressional District each and every day. We are proud
to have made significant headway in this objective by introducing our
conservative message, discussing our plans for the future, attending numerous
community events, and demonstrating clearly that we will dedicate the necessary
resources to both win the Republican nomination in June and defeat Susie Lee
next November.
“Our campaign is not beholden to any one person or special interest, but rather to
the voters we are speaking with on a daily basis. We believe our message is
resonating with them and that voters, now more than ever, want a leader who will
take on the radical left and fight to restore American Exceptionalism. That leader
is John Kovacs.”
Original Source Can Be Found Here.