Dear Fellow Alaskans —
I am asking you to elect me to the office of US Representative from Alaska. I am running for Congress as a non-partisan Independent because that is who I am. We launched our campaign on April 3, and the response has been amazing. We are hearing over and over again that our two-party system is broken. People in Alaska are tired of divisive party politics. One letter to the editor of the ADN said “Party isn’t important… I’m interested in voting for the right person”.
Monica and I will be sending out weekly emails updating you on the campaign and how you can help. We will do our best to not inundate you with more than a weekly email (we expect you don’t want more than that anyway). I have been traveling across many communities in Southeast this week. I spent a couple days in Juneau at the Folk Festival and am in Petersburg now. We are working very hard to win this race and we will, with your help.
As a true Independent and as an Alaskan, I will always prioritize the needs of our state. As your United States representative, I will work with Republicans and Democrats and will always put this state first. When people with differing opinions listen and work together, problems get solved.
My stance on issues is laid out clearly on my website If you have specific questions about how I stand on an issue, please email me at I am very willing to listen respectfully to your opinion and I look to my fellow Alaskans to learn about issues that I am unfamiliar with. I am stepping up to do this because I truly love this state and its people, and I want to work for you.
Things are moving very quickly and there are two overlapping elections. I humbly ask for your vote in all of them. There is a special primary election on June 11. This will be vote by mail, with ballots going out on May 20. There will be many candidates on this ballot, and you can only vote for one. The top four vote getters go on to the special general election on August 16th. Voters can then rank choice their candidates and the winner will then get sworn in to finish Don Young’s term. Also, on August 16 you will also get a second ballot for the regular primary election, (again jungle open primary-vote for one). And the top four vote getters in the general primary move onto the regular general election on November 8. The winner of that race is sworn into office in January for a full two-year term. If I am elected in the earlier special election, I will have some seniority in the House. Winning both elections is thus very important for Alaska.
I am running both in the special election and in the regular election. It’s a lot of elections in a short period of time and I am in this to win them all, so please vote. This is the most important way to help this campaign! I believe I am the best candidate to take Alaska into the future and I humbly ask for this opportunity to serve you.
Please join my team.
Please go to my website to sign up to volunteer, get a yard sign or donate to the campaign.
You can mail us checks or questions to PO Box 90938, Anchorage, AK 99509 (if mailing a check please include your occupation for FEC reporting requirements).
Or email us at
And most important of all – vote in the special primary June 11 (ballots will be mailed to you May 20).
And in the special election on August 16.
And in the general election on August 16 and November 8.
Thank you and respectfully,
Al Gross
Original source can be found here.