AL Gross for Congress
Recent News About AL Gross for Congress
Al Gross for Congress: Notes from the Campaign Trail: June 21
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Both exhausting and exhilarating
IBEW Endorses Al Gross for Congress
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The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) union is endorsing Al Gross for Alaska’s Congressional seat
Al Gross for Congress: Notes from the Campaign Trail: June 12
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Finished in the top four of Alaska’s Special Primary Election
Al Gross for Congress: Advances to Special General Election
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Nonpartisan candidate Dr. Al Gross will finish in the top four of Alaska’s Special Primary Election and advance to the state’s Special General Election in August
Al Gross for Congress: Notes from the Campaign Trail: June 5
by Press release submission
We are in the last week of the Special Primary
Al Gross for Congress: Notes from the Campaign Trail: May 31
by Press release submission
We must put an end to senseless gun violence across our country.
Al Gross for Congress: Notes from the Campaign Trail: May 27
by Press release submission
Memorial Day is the day of national remembrance dedicated to all those who died serving the United States of America.
Al Gross for Congress: Notes from the Campaign Trail: May 22
by Press release submission
I will prioritize the needs of our state.
Al Gross for Congress: Notes from the Campaign Trail: May 15
by Press release submission
I believe in a strong public education system.
Al Gross for Congress: University of Alaska Fairbanks Congressional Debate
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University of Alaska Fairbanks Congressional Debate
Al Gross for Congress: Notes from the Campaign Trail: May 10
by Press release submission
This epitomizes everything that is wrong with party politics.
Al Gross for Congress: Notes from the Campaign Trail: May 8
by Press release submission
It is past time to pass legislation enshrining women’s reproductive rights into federal law.
Al Gross for Congress, Notes from the Campaign Trail: May 4
by Press release submission
We must keep the government out of our health care decisions, whether it be at the beginning or at the end of our life.
Al Gross for Congress, Notes from the Campaign Trail: May 3
by Press release submission
We are one month into this race and are continuing to get support from Alaskans all across the state.
Al Gross for Congress, Notes from the Campaign Trail: April 24
by Press release submission
We are now three weeks into this race and have been getting tremendous support from all across the state.
Al Gross for Congress: Letter from Gov. Tony Knowles
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I am reaching out to you to let you know why I am supporting Al Gross
Al Gross for Congress, Notes from the Campaign Trail: April 18
by Press release submission
We launched our campaign on April 3 and continue to have an amazing response.
Al Gross for Congress, Notes from the Campaign Trail: April 10
by Press release submission
I am asking you to elect me to the office of US Representative from Alaska.
Al Gross for Congress, Notes from the Campaign Trail: April 3
by Press release submission
I am running for Congress as a non-partisan Independent.
Former Governor Tony Knowles to Chair Al Gross’ Campaign Team
by Press release submission
Heading Gross’ team is former Alaska Governor Tony Knowles