Dear Fellow Alaskans —
On Monday, we learned that the Supreme Court is preparing to overturn Roe v. Wade. I am deeply concerned about this news. We must keep the government out of our health care decisions, whether it be at the beginning or at the end of our life. This is one of our basic freedoms.
As a physician, I understand that health care decisions are personal and complicated, and individuals must have the right to make these decisions in consultation with their health care provider. People’s choices and their health care decisions must be respected, safeguarded, and protected.
It is past time to pass legislation enshrining women’s reproductive rights into federal law. I want to be very clear, when I am elected to Congress, I will vote to codify Roe v. Wade into law.
I also recognize that affordable family planning services and comprehensive age-appropriate sex education helps to reduce unintended pregnancies. And I will also fight for better pre- and post-natal health care, expanded adoption, and support for parenting programs, so that women who want to carry forward their pregnancy will have the freedom – and the ability – to do so. Every child born must have a fair chance.
As I have said previously, my stance on issues is laid out clearly on my website, If you have specific questions, please email me at If you have a place for a high visibility road sign or want a yard sign, please click here.
Special Primary ballots have been mailed out to all Alaskan voters. To vote:
Fill in the oval for one candidate using blue or black pen.
Remove ballot stub from the top of your ballot. Fold your ballot and place inside the secrecy sleeve.
Place the secrecy sleeve with your ballot inside the return ballot envelope.
Sign the return envelope in front of a witness and provide one identifier (voter number, AK driver’s license number, date of birth or the last four of you SSN).
Have your signature witnessed by anyone 18 years of age or older. Make sure your witness dates their signature.
Fold over the flap of the return envelope.
Mail your ballot- my previous emails were incorrect- your ballot does not need a stamp before mailing it. However, it is recommended that you have the post office hand cancel your return ballot.
Or you may drop off your ballot at any voting location in Alaska.
I believe I am the best candidate to take Alaska into the future and I humbly ask for your vote:
Please go to my website to sign up to volunteer, get a yard sign or to donate to the campaign.
Please tell three friends about my campaign and encourage them to go to my website to sign up for email updates.
You can mail us checks or questions to PO Box 90938, Anchorage, AK 99509 (if mailing a check please include your occupation for FEC reporting requirements).
Or email us at
And most important of all VOTE!
Special Primary ballots must be postmarked by June 11.
The Special General election is on August 16.
The General Primary election is also on August 16.
Thank you and respectfully,
Al Gross
Original source can be found here.