Dear Fellow Alaskans —
We are one month into this race and are continuing to get support from Alaskans all across the state. Sincere thanks for all of your donations and well wishes.
This last week I took the camper up to Fairbanks to participate in the Congressional Candidate Forum. I stopped in Wasilla, Houston and Healy to pass out signs to volunteers on the way north. We are sending signs out as fast as we can get them printed. If you have a place for a high visibility road sign or want a yard sign, please click here.
The Congressional Candidate Forum was run by the Associated Students of the University of Alaska Fairbanks (ASUAF) Senate and was a fantastic event! It was a zoom format, but I showed up at Wood Student Center on the campus of UAF and zoomed from there, because I love the University (I went to medical school there) and because I love Fairbanks. The ASUAF is UAF’s student government and gives students an opportunity to develop leadership skills while advocating for all UAF students. The Senate is the legislative branch of the ASUAF. Huge thanks for their hard work to put on the Forum. It was great to have a platform to let Alaska know about how candidates stand on issues. ASUAF will release audio and video from the Forum later this week, and they will play it on KSUA (UAF radio). As soon as we know the schedule for the Forum recordings to be released we will let you know.
As I have said previously, my stance on issues is laid out clearly on my website, If you have specific questions, please email me at
Special Primary ballots have been mailed out to all Alaskan voters! Please get your ballot filled out and in the mail ASAP. There are many candidates on this ballot, and you can only vote for one. It is important to make sure that your ballot envelope has the signature of a witness on it and is stamped before you put it in the mail. Ballots without a witness signature or stamp will be thrown away. Alaskans are tired of divisive party politics and want a congressman with a strong voice who will work to find solutions for Alaska. I believe I am the best candidate to take Alaska into the future and I humbly ask for your vote.
The top four vote getters in the Special Primary go on to the Special General election on August 16, which is also the date of the Regular Primary election. I am running both in the Special election and in the Regular election. Electing a candidate who wins both elections is important. If the same person is elected in the Special election and the Regular election, they will have some seniority in the House when they start their term January 2023.
Please go to my website to sign up to volunteer, get a yard sign or to donate to the campaign.
Please tell three friends about my campaign and encourage them to go to my website to sign up for email updates.
You can mail us checks or questions to PO Box 90938, Anchorage, AK 99509 (if mailing a check please include your occupation for FEC reporting requirements).
Or email us at
And most important of all VOTE!
Special Primary ballots must be postmarked by June 11.
The Special General election is on August 16.
The General Primary election is also on August 16.
Thank you and respectfully,
Al Gross
Original source can be found here.