Sam Brown Launches Second Statewide Television Ad: “People’s Agenda”



RENO, Nev. — The Sam Brown for U.S. Senate campaign has launched its second broadcast television ad. Titled “People’s Agenda,” the ad will run statewide on Fox News Channel and on major broadcast networks in Reno and Las Vegas. Sam Brown’s first ad “Duty” will also continue to run statewide.The ad contrasts political elites Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto and Adam Laxalt with the grassroots-powered movement led by Captain Sam Brown, saying “sometimes it takes someone new to make real change.”

“People’s Agenda” also introduces Nevada voters to core issues that Brown has emphasized since launching his campaign for U.S. Senate.

SCRIPT: “Political elites have all of the money and Washington’s agenda. I’ve built a grassroots army of everyday Americans — with a People’s Agenda that starts with securing our borders; voter ID; classrooms that teach, not indoctrinate; fighting inflationary spending and debt; and creating real jobs for Nevada. Career politicians can’t fix Washington — they broke it. It’s time for new conservative leadership for the people,” says Captain Sam Brown (ret.) in the new television ad. 

Sam Brown is running against establishment-backed Adam Laxalt in the Nevada GOP primary. Brown has raised millions from small dollar donors across America looking for new conservative leadership.


Original source can be found here.


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