Primary Election Statement from U.S. Senate Candidate Captain Sam Brown



“I just called Adam Laxalt to congratulate him on a hard-fought primary win.

“The stakes are high. We must take back the U.S. Senate, the House, and the governorship. I will support Republican campaigns and work tirelessly to turn out every Republican in Nevada this November.

“Tonight, I want to thank every one of this campaign’s Duty First supporters. Over 42,000 of them donated to our cause. Many more walked precincts, made calls, and prayed.

“We raised millions of dollars without PAC money. We won tens of thousands of votes without big name endorsements. We simply told the truth about changing Washington, and the movement grew and grew. But millions of dollars in D.C. Super PAC spending proved too difficult to overcome. However, this movement, this call of duty — it’s not just hard to kill, it will never die.

“This is an ongoing battle to save America. We are still here, standing tall, ready to fight for our country. We are a movement of hope and optimism. And we aren’t going anywhere.

“This November, our movement is going to take the battlefield in the fight for the soul of this country. In this election, and in future elections, our voices are going to be heard at the ballot box. Secure borders. Election integrity. Job creation over socialist giveaways. Energy independence and foreign policy that puts America first. That’s the mission we embrace. No mission too difficult. No sacrifice too great. Duty First.”

Original source can be found here.


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