Linda Brooks | Linda Brooks

Linda Brooks: I Also Support


✅  Pro Life, except when the mothers life is at risk, Constitutional Protection for Children at Birth & States Rights on the Issue

✅ 1st Amend Freedom of Speech balanced against Slander and Near & Present Danger Laws; void Hate Speech which exceeds Constitutional rights

✅ 2nd Amend. Right to Self Defense, Defense of our Political System and the Right to bear Arms

✅Sovereignty of the People thru the US Constitution

✅ A Free Market Capitalist System with minimum Social programs/ we are a wealthy country few should need to be subsidized.

✅ Foreign Aid & Immigration while preserving the Integrity of the Well Being of Our People

✅ Our Own Military

✅ Minimal Government and Tax Maintenance

✅ Environmental Law in line with a Capitalist Economy built for Prosperity

✅ Take the profit out of Human Trafficking in the US incl. human body parts & Sperm Theft used to extort monies from honest families.

✅ Protect the rights of naturalized citizens against the threat of forced repatriation

✅On China: like Teddy Roosevelt on Foreign Policy said "Walk Soft but Carry a Big Stick" meaning recognize the reasons for aggression while holding at bay to the end that peace may be attainable.

✅The US prevention for SARS-COV2 virus remains under Emergency Powers Order established by President Donald Trump; but qualified by availability of appropriations by Congress;  until that is lifted, it overrides Amend. 14 on personal rights.

✅. Imprisonment is a part of the institutions of civilization for crimes intended to remove a person from society who poses a threat; other than that rehabilitation is a second objective with release as a purview ; to this end, torture, which , for, the State of Florida attempted to make law, is  prohibited. 

✅ The US is no World Police Force though a peaceful nation ready to defend her own territory

Original source can be found here.

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