Principle Committee to Elect Linda S Brooks to the US Congress

Political Committees | Committee - Candidate

Recent News About Principle Committee to Elect Linda S Brooks to the US Congress

Linda Brooks: Ian gives reason for pause: is the water rising or is the land sinking?

by Press release submission
The Hurricane that hit Florida in September revealed something that I, a native Floridian from birth and with a generational family born and raised in the United States, do believe has never occurred before in this State.

Linda Brooks: I Also Support

by Press release submission
Linda Brooks: I Also Support

Linda Brooks: A Safety Net: Desalinization & Utilities and Trump's Emergency Order on Bulk-Power

by Press release submission
Safety Net: Desalinization & Utilities in times of Emergency such as the new invention coming out under Renewable Energy in the form of Long Duration Batteries (WJS 9/10/21 "Investors Hunt for Battery Advances"), which should be mandated by every state, capable of supporting electric power from the grid for some time pinpointing emergency outtages from a hurricane, for instance.

Linda Brooks: Why Medicare Should be Dismantled & private Insurance reinstated

by Press release submission
Socialism is historically for nations that have a significant deficit in resources of production which normally, if sufficient, would enable the country to develop a capitalist base and thereby, a sound employment rate.

Linda Brooks: Constitutional Protection begins at Birth

by Press release submission
When abortion became law in the 1970s, Sociologist said eventually infanticide would occur beyond the womb and just as in China, who legally allows a childs murder up to two years of age, so here in the US shall it also occur that young children are not legally viewed as having a right to live.

Linda Brooks: Constitutional Amendment

by Raquel PerezPress release submission
Linda Brooks: Constitutional Amendment

Linda Brooks: Immigration: legal gate only and with 50% financially equipped

by Press release submission
The purpose of Democratization, by definition, is to achieve the highest level of freedom possible within a territorial state ruled by the people; not to continue a dependency and servitude upon an elitist as characterized in European Collectivism.

Linda Brooks: US Footprint in the Middle East and Adjustments to the War Powers Resolution regarding moderniza

by Press release submission
I suggest that inherent Resolve is better assigned as the Middle East Footprint rather than to spread them over the Pacific Rim hunting down ISIS which is the current plan.

Linda Brooks: A Constitutional Query

by Press release submission
What we are dealing with in this paper are Constitutional Rights applied to children or juveniles who have an abnormal association with violence or possibly an enslavement to organized crime; this against a purpose centering on gleaning out those who can be salvaged while securing the rest to a life of unending imprisonment resulting from a conviction of a capital crime that if an adult would warrant the death sentence or life in prison except the adult can may be able to exercise an appeal.

Linda Brooks for Florida Congressional District 2: UN is Socialist

by Press release submission
Did u know the UN is Socialist. Not only r they in favor of $ transfers ; they also like the idea of relating people &; businesses &; now territory.

Linda Brooks for Florida Congressional District 2: The Ukraine was declared the Ukrainian SSR breaking away from the USSR in 1991.

by Press release submission
The Ukraine was declared the Ukrainian SSR breaking away from the USSR in 1991

Linda Brooks for Florida Congressional District 2: British ships r cruising right at 12 miles from Crimea shores.

by Press release submission
British ships r cruising right at 12 miles from Crimea shores.

Globalism, Technology and Foreign Relations

by Press release submission
Globalism, Technology and Foreign Relations